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Name: Xue Yi
Birthday: 27 April 1991
Occupation: student
School: Nanyang Polytechnic
Course: Accountancy & Finance

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Friday, November 06, 2009

ooohhh...tep is getting more and more busy liao...today, we did the SIRS project (something like data entry)...lol...it's quite tiring but fun cause it was super funny when we heard my classmates saying out loud some lame comments in the feedback forms...haha...nana and i was were there laughing as we were keying in the data...
then in the afternoon we had our other activity...it was playing puzzle games, it was conducted by Ms Chew...we had to compete within groups, seeing who is the first to complete the puzzles...my group members (fiona, dianne & yingyue) were really good yah...and we dunno used up how much brain juice during the 1 1/2 hr of puzzle games...our brains all shrink to raisin size liao...haha...and all of us were given chocolates at the end...it was really fun!!
next monday we have to do auditing liao...quite nervous but excited..dunno how will be like...really look forward to it=)

♥Sharing with love♥ @ | 11:25 PM