*.* Child of God *.*

Name: Xue Yi
Birthday: 27 April 1991
Occupation: student
School: Nanyang Polytechnic
Course: Accountancy & Finance

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Friday, December 18, 2009

today was the last day for our ASC stopover and we had our farewell party...after the 2 weeks break..we will start our classical and fortunately, we were in the same class again...this 9 weeks stopover at ASC was a fun and memorable experience for me...for example...the SIRS proj, company proj, auditing and definitely not forgetting all the other activities organised for us...i really enjoyed them and felt real happy for being able to make more new friends...lol...sounded so like my reflections for my stopover report..hehe=)
photo 1: audit presentation

photo 2: audit presentation

visit for the IRAS

class of ASC'09!!

♥Sharing with love♥ @ | 11:10 PM