*.* Child of God *.*

Name: Xue Yi
Birthday: 27 April 1991
Occupation: student
School: Nanyang Polytechnic
Course: Accountancy & Finance

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Friday, September 30, 2005

today, we had pe lesson and we finally make to potato into a roasted potato and it is a charred one...hehe...during maths lesson, as xingzhi and i did not understand what mrs seah was teaching, we asked qingyun to teach us and qingyun nearly burst her blood vessels as i took a long time to understand...and last but not least....the xing zhi hor...called me to look for the digusting abortion pictures...one of the pictures is an aborted baby and you can see its head at one side, its hands at one side, its legs at one side and its body at one side...and the baby was bloody....which causes me to feel like vomiting after seeing the picture!!!!

♥Sharing with love♥ @ | 6:45 PM